Hello Family,
We're almost there!!! I have had some major triumphs and some major downfalls, but God has kept me through them all. Shout out to Shirley, Melanie & Lillie who have been holding up the blood stained banner!!! LOL
I'm going to have to do something very special for my sisters. I don't know how many others have been keeping up with the blog, but I know that they've been dedicated and keeping me in check.
Well, I love you all and just know that we only have 2more weeks to go. I might go ahead and post the last two weeks early.
I do not own any rights to the pictures used in this blog. No copywright infringements intended.
Release Un-forgiveness and Bitterness
Get Rid of Old Baggage
Any sin will
weigh you down, but long kept un-forgiveness and bitterness is like old baggage
in the attic you just can't seem to part with. You are so familiar with it, you
don't even realize how it is hindering your life. Un-forgiveness is spiritual
My testimony concerning unforgiveness is this:
I was at a revival in Greenville, MS about 12 years ago and the preacher was speaking about Love. He said that many of us don't really love everybody...like we say that we do. Immediately, my little proud mind said, "I love every....." and then I realized that I couldn't even add the body on everybody. God immediately showed me in a vision 3 people. They stood up in the church as if they were really there. And I knew that they were not there because they were at another church on the same night that I was at this church. I kept trying to say that I loved them, but my heart just wouldn't let me. I thought that I'd forgiven them for all the things that they had done to me. And believe me when I tell you that these three people were constant repeated offenders. But because I always genuinely laughed and talked with them, I thought that I'd forgiven them and that I loved them. But that night, God revealed my heart to me and it was ugly.
So as the preacher was speaking, God asked me this simple question. He said, "If you got a call tonight, that all three of these people suddenly died at church, what would be your first reaction?" Well, He's God and I wouldn't dare try to lie to him. But my first response, without even really thinking was, "Well God, I would be wondering what they'll be having at the repast." And then there was silence. God showed me in that moment, that I'd not truly forgiven those people for what they'd done to me. I was so sad and embarrassed that I'd been going on with my "sanctified, speaking in tongues self" and had not realized that I had this bitterness and clear cut hatred for these three people. One of them, I knew why I hated that person, but the other two...it took me a minute to sum up what they'd done to make me not love them.
So that night, I repented and asked God to save me and deliver me from unforgiveness and bitterness. God answered my prayer, but then them negros did something else to hurt me....ON PURPOSE! lol So I had to do a Luke 17:4 on them and forgive them again, and again and again!
I ask you today, to look into your spiritual hearts and search it out. Check for unforgiveness and bitterness. And if it's there, identify it, call it out and give it to the Lord. Forgive that person(s) and LET IT GO.
Day One:
But please pray and read your scriptures.
Hebrews 12:1
Matthew 18:23-35
John 15:10
Proverbs 15:1
Day Two:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. PRAY...as if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
Ephesians 4:31-32
John 15:12
1 John 3:14
Day Three:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. PRAY...as if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
Matthew 6:15
John 15:5
John 15:10, 12, 5
Day Four:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. PRAY...as if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
Mark 11:24, 25
Matthew 7:7, 12
Luke 17:4
Day Five:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. PRAY...as if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
Hebrews 12:15
2 Corinthians 2:10-11
Matthew 6:15
James 1:19-20
Day Six:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. PRAY...as if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
Matthew 7:12, 21
1 John 3:14
Mark 11:24, 25
Day Seven:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. PRAY...as if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
John 15:5
Deut 27:26
Deut 28:35, 60, 61
Exodus 20:5