Monday, May 6, 2013


Oh....Saints....this is the end! I have enjoyed Lillie, Shirley, Melanie and April. They are the only people that I know who were doing the "Spiritual Spring Cleaning" with me. It has been a wonderful experience and because I wasn't 100% consistent and faithful, I have to start it all over again. And WOW!!! I also have to do this exercise thing as y'all pray for me. 

This is week 7 and the theme for this week is "Learn to Laugh at Yourself and at Life". Anyone who knows me, know that I laugh EV-VERY-DAY!!! I probably laugh to much. :) I sometimes laugh because life has thrown me so many curves, until that's all I can do to keep from going crazy or giving up. The Bible says that laughter is like a good medicine. So be cured this week of anything that has held you captive all of your life. Let those things go, laugh at it and get over it. Love y'all and I'll talk to y'all soon. 



Learn to Laugh at Yourself and at Life:
Some of us take life too seriously, or we take ourselves too seriously. Jesus wants you to enjoy yourself, and learn to have some fun. God made you for His pleasure!

God doesn't want us walking around all pruned face and sad. He wants us to have a happy, filled, abundant life. And this life is only attainable through him. Some people claim to be happy, but there is an emptiness inside of them. And the sad thing is, that sometimes...they don't even know that only God can fill that void. So let him be the center of it all and then you'll be able to laugh, smile and be filled with joy, when you're reality is anything but great.

Day One:
But please pray and read your scriptures.
Psalm 28:7

Day Two:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!
Psalm 126:2

Day Three:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!

Proverbs 10:27

Day Four:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!

Nehemiah 8:10

Day Five:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!

Proverbs 17:22

Day Six:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!

Proverbs 16:3

Day Seven:
1. No eating heavy after 7pm
2. Water & Juice
3. if you're life depended on it.
4. Read your scriptures....4 real!

Matthew 5:5-10

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